•   Sunday, January 19, 2025
NIRF India Rankings 2024 Band 201-300
Established 1991, Recognized u/s 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956 (2006)
Granted Autonomy in 2008
Accredited with โ€˜Aโ€™ Grade with 3.31 CGPA (2017) by NAAC
Affiliated to Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Chidambaram


(Extension Programme)

Village Service Learning (VSL) Programme is founded to organize the extension activities of the college by preparing the annual plan consisting of various types of activities and programmes to be carried out by each department for the welfare of the society and the development of the students. It also initiates academic oriented activities such as guest lectures, seminars and conferences in order to equip the students with the knowledge on various techniques, strategies and models in rendering service to the humanity. VSL consists of Core committee, Department Level Co-ordinators and team of students. VSL core committee consists of Director, Chief Co-ordinator and coordinators. One each staff from both Shifts of all the departments form the team of Department Level coordinators. The students of VSL programme are selected by the respective Department Level Coordinators. The students of shift-I undertake VSL activities in the afternoon and those from the shift-II engage in the VSL activities in the morning.

Founded in the academic year 2017 -18
We coordinate, regulate and monitor all the Extension activities being carried by various departments of our college.
We teach our students to be socially responsible and sensible to the needs of the needy in the society.

Enabling the students to be socially responsible and sensible to the needs of the needy in the society.

To sensitize the students on Living conditions of the Vulnerable Groups and to enable them to engage in the social development activities by initiating team work, coordination and Networking.


Rev. Fr. A. Alex

Chief Co-ordinator
Mr. Durai Raj J

Mr. C. Justin Marshal
Mr. A. Rajesh
Mrs.G. Bhuvaneshwari
Mrs. T. Shalini

1. To impart the Knowledge on Extension Work to the students.
2. To create an opportunity for the students to respond to the social issues and problems by undertaking developmental activities or programmes in the society.

1. Each student is supposed to spend 60 hours of work to award 2 credits for the extension activities.
2. Student is to maintain discipline and needs to be morally credible while visiting villages, organizations and undertaking programmes. If a student misbehaves or exhibits any unexpected attitude or disturbs the functioning of any activity, he or she needs to face the disciplinary action enforced by the College Disciplinary Committee.
3. The First year students have Classroom Orientation on VSL and Social Service and then they are supposed to have Observation Visits prescribed in the Modules.
4. The Second year students are supposed to engage in the Group Projects and the activities in the Villages as prescribed in the Modules.
5. Student of VSL is supposed to complete his or her extension work and submit the consolidated report in the prescribed format after getting signature of the concerned Head of the Department and VSL In-charge to the Controller of Examinations Office before the end of the Fourth Semester. Then the student of VSL is awarded with 2 credits for the extension work.
6. If the student of VSL fails to finish his or her Extension Work, he or she will not be given the credits. However, such candidate is advised to finish the work by approaching the VSL co-ordinator and Head of the department and complete the work within the stipulated time given by them and can get the credits after the submission of report to the COE office at the end of the 6th Semester.
7. VSL student is expected to maintain the Activity Record Card for recording all the extension works carried by him or her during the course of studies. If the student misses the Card, he or she is to get the duplicate card with the payment of fine.

1. Planning, Implementing, Coordinating, Monitoring and Documenting the Extension Activities annually.
2. Conducting a Meeting on a monthly or need basis to monitor, supervise and evaluate the on-going activities of VSL.
3. Studying and Proposing Villages for Extension Work every year.
4. Linking and collaborating with the governmental and non-governmental organizations for the smooth execution of the Extension Work.
5. Co-ordinating with Village Representatives and Department Level Co-ordinators for the effective execution of VSL activities.
6. Signing Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with the Non-governmental organizations, Social Service Clubs for the Professional Support towards the implementation of Extension Work.

1. Selection of VSL Students every year in their respective departments.
2. Organizing Classroom Orientation on VSL & Co-ordinating all the activities stipulated by the VSL Core committee and prescribed in the Module.
3. Reporting the Extension Activities to the VSL Office and documenting the same in their respective departments.
4. Preparation of Proposal with budget for the stipulated work and submitting to VSL office for the approval from the College Management.
5. Maintenance of Studentโ€™s Attendance Record and facilitating to award credits for the students for their extension work.
6. Motivating and Enabling the Students regularly to involve in Extension work and to form him or her socially responsible person.
7. Organizing Periodic Review Meeting among the VSL students and forward the Suggestions to the VSL Core Committee.

1. Each VSL student is obliged by the general guidelines of the VSL Programme.
2. Student of VSL must fulfil all the Requirements of Extension Work for the award of 2 credits.
3. Student needs to be in regular contact with the department level coordinators for the successful completion of Extension Work.
4. VSL student needs to grow in leadership, excel in Soft Skills, imbibe Social Responsibility and become social development agent in their future by active involvement in VSL programme.
5. Student of VSL needs to meet the department level coordinator to get attendance for his or her work in the VSL Studentโ€™s Attendance Record.


Activity I โ€“ Orientation (10 Hours)
Community โ€“ Meaning, characteristics, Types of community โ€“ rural, tribal, Slum and Urban; Vulnerable people in the society โ€“ Women, Children, Aged, Transgender, Widows. Social Problems: Poverty, Illiteracy, Unemployment, Drug Addiction, Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Child Abuse, Violence against women, Crime, Corruption, Communicable Diseases.

Activity II โ€“ Orientation (10 Hours)
Orientation on VSL, Concept, Vision, Mission, History, Types of Programmes; Concept of Social Service: Need and its significance; Contribution of Service to the society by Noble personalities. Social Responsibility: Concept, Need, Values, Importance. Social Responsibility to the Vulnerable Groups & People during Disaster and Natural Calamities; Fund Mobilizing for the Social Service.

Activity III โ€“ Extension Activities (20 Hours)
Practical Exposure & Learning:
a) Visit to the different types of Communities and Self Help Groups
b) Observation Visit to any one of the following areas:
i) Juvenile Home, Prison & Reform Home
ii) NGOs, Clubs, Social Service Organizations
iii) Nehru Yuvak Kendra, BDO Office, Social Welfare Office
iv) Primary Health Centre, Government Hospital, De-addiction Centre.
c) Undertaking Skill Development Activities either in the Schools or Communities such as
i) Soft Skill Training
ii) Leadership Grooming
iii) Personality Development
iv) Entrepreneurship Training
v) Value Formation
vi) Career Guidance

Activity IV โ€“ Extension Activities (20 Hours)
Undertaking activities in the adopted Villages such as
a) Awareness Creation on Prevailing Social Issues
b) Conducting Medical Camp for the People or Cattles
c) Organizing Target and Need based Programme
d) Imparting Skill Enhancement Training
e) Celebration of Womenโ€™s day & Pongal Festival
f) Undertaking any Charity based Work by the Voluntary Contribution of
g) Organizing Group Projects such as:
i) Social Awareness Creation Programmes.
ii) Motivational Programme to the People.
iii) Community Mapping.
iv) Conducting a Research Study on any current issue of the
v) Organizing Rally or Human Chain or Street Play on Promotion
of Social Values.
vi) Taking Tuition regularly or periodically.
h) Organizing VSL Camp in the needy village for the Social Development
i) Organizing VSL Day Celebration

Schedule of Extension Activities
VSL student spends 60 hours for Extension Activities which contains of 40 hours of Extension activities and 20 hours of Class room orientation on the theoretical knowledge of service learning.
Semester Hours of Work Distribution of Hours
I 15 Hours 10 Hours for Orientation & 5 Hours for Extension Activities
II 15 Hours 10 Hours for Orientation & 5 Hours for Extension Activities
III 15 Hours 15 Hours of Extension Work
IV 15 Hours 15 Hours of Extension Work

1.Studying and Proposing Villages for Adoption .
2.Preparing Annual plan.
3.Undertaking Development Activities in the Adopted Villages.
4.Motivating students to involve in Extension Works.
5.Organizing Seminars and Guest Lectures.
6.Developing Modules and Guidelines for the Extension Programme.



  Title of Programme






  Awareness Creation Programmes




  Adopted Villages (Mulligrampattu
  & Shanumaga


  Environmental Cleaning




  Temple, Beach,
  Stadium, Adopted Village


  Charitable Works
  (Distribution of Sports Equipments, Chairs and so on)




  In the Schools of
  Adopted of Villages


  Cultural and Religious




  Mulligrampattu & Special








  the Schools of Adopted of Villages




  Free Medical Camp








  Medicinal Garden Plantation








  Sports and Competitions












  In Our College