Lay out of the Library
To encourage the reading habit and to benefits staff and students and to enable them to easily access the required information, the library is classified into nine different sections.
The Ground Floor of the Library Consists of Six Sections. They are
Circulation Section: Lending Books to the students and staff for their use.
Stack I : Consists of books on Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Bio-chemistry, Zoology, Micro-biology, and Computer Science.
Stack II : Consists of books on History, Economics, Commerce, English, Tamil, Psychology, Comp. Exam.
Newspaper Section: Knowing the happening in and around the world is the part of life. This section fulfills the need.
Internet/Digital Library: Knowledge updating is essential for everyone and that too for the researcher is must. This section meets the requirements.
The First Floor is functioning with another three important sections. They are
Journal & Magazine Section: consists of current Journals. Research journals are arranged in subject wise
Reference Section: Consists mostly of Handbooks, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Dictionaries, Costly books and text books related to post Graduates
Archives: All the Back Volumes of journals are arranged in Subject Wise.